

Cherub Chameleon
I see your disguise from afar
you cannot from me hide
not with your tide
a wolf has long worn a sheep's cloth
You've learned their ways
and have move along well pretending to be one of them
but you cannot from me hide
I see you
like daylight sees the night
I see it all though you polish and shine
The leopard cannot change its spots
try how it may
it is ingrained and deep
for six thousand years you've lived with men
you've shaved your head and trimmed your beard
you've won their heart away from mine
You tell lies with an innocent eye
and since men believe the outwards
they swalllow hook sinker and line
But I see you
You cannot from me hide
a day will soon come
it is fast approaching
I will tear away your disguise
they will see the wolf underneath
They will run for their dear life
Yet some will remain
You have tricked the world long
Soon You will trick them no more
Your presence will not be missed
your memory will not come to mind
© elgnosis