

The King and Papa
The king returns, light the lamps
He comes victorious unblurred
An eternal ten headed enemy vamped
His victory, our lives assured

His army marching in tow
Armor stained with blood
The enemy, enemy no more
The villians dead in the mud

Do you see him
Do you see him
My father, did he endure
Can you see him
Is that him, not sure

He comes closer, could it be
No, he doesn't look like me
More are coming
More are coming behind the king

I keep watching sure to see
The man I love and fear
The line is ending
Still, I watch and cheer

The line is gone, still no sight of him
Crowds leaving, cheers subside
Hope is fading to see him
This verdict I can't abide

Where is papa, did he die
I see weeping, some in tears
No more cheering, just why
Most living their worst fears

Will I see him
Could I see him
The king, he seems so small
Papa, Papa, no not papa
My papa cannot fall

Then my shoulder felt a hand
I froze and did not move
No news of papa would stand
His death I will reprove

I heard a voice, a gentle sound
I turned to see who spoke
He smiled wearing a golden crown
The king with armor uncloked

I bowed in tears, where is papa
Do you know my king
He looks like me, but older
He taught me everything

I knew your papa, said the king
He looks just like you, I see
When I saw you, I saw the man
That fell instead of me

He was a hero, your papa, son
He faught and spilled his blood
No knight fought more bravely
As we fought them in the mud

I know you are sad, but do not fear
Your welfare I will bring
Your house will stand forever
As long as I am king

I know I should be grateful
My king, he would not fudge
It's just I could not fathom
My father in that sludge

My king, please can I see him
Take me to the place
Where papa was a hero
And died so in your place

The king said, do not worry
I brought him back with me
You see, he fell but did not die
His wounds will heal, you see

Thank you king, thank you God
Can I see him now
Of course, go at once
I hugged and then I bowed