

Seasons Of My Heart And Soul
There were periods in
My life where I left
A piece of my heart
And soul behind.

Every event that happened,
Every joy and heartache,
Left its mark on my heart,
Never to be forgotten.

People that I've met so far
Are all a lesson to be learned.
Some lessons were easy to comprehend,
While some weren't.

No matter how it turned out,
Questions rose to the surface
Of my mind,
Begging for an answer.

Why did something happen
The way it did,
Why couldn't things
Turn out different?

Why did the person I held
So close to my fragile heart
Have to leave my life,
For me to pick up the pieces?

Asking so much won't
Change the fact that
Everything happens
For a reason.

Albeit I'm aware of it,
That doesn't prevent
The parts of my heart
And soul breaking.

Those pieces created
A different person out
Of me every single time.
More jaded and cautious.

Running hot and cold,
Depending on the circumstances,
Keeping my walls up
Like a fortress.

Cracked pieces have no use,
Except reminding me how
Gentle and vulnerable
We humans are.

We can't help it,
That's how we are.
Broken hearts and
Rebellious souls
Keep us alive.

There are more periods
Of my life that'll make me
Shed pieces of my heart and soul, leaving them behind.

© Emee
