

Written By Loren Holmes

(Verse 1)
Loren Holmes, a name that echoes through the night,
A story of triumph, a beacon of light,
In the depths of darkness, he found his way,
With the power of God, he rose above the fray.

Loren Holmes, a warrior, a soul so brave,
Overcoming darkness, he refused to be enslaved,
Fake friends tried to sway him, to a path so dark,
But with God by his side, he left his mark.

(Verse 2)
Addiction's grip, like chains, held him tight,
But Loren fought back, with all his might,
He broke free from Satan's deceitful hold,
With God's love, his spirit soared, bold and bold.

Loren Holmes, a warrior, a soul so brave,
Overcoming darkness, he refused to be enslaved,
Fake friends tried to sway him, to a path so dark,
But with God by his side, he left his mark.

Through the storms and trials, he found his way,
God's grace and mercy, guiding him each day,
Rising to the top, like a phoenix in flight,
Loren Holmes, a testament to God's might.

(Verse 3)
No longer bound by the chains of despair,
Loren Holmes, a victor, with a story to share,
He found true friendship, in God's loving embrace,
Leaving behind the fake ones, with no trace.

Loren Holmes, a warrior, a soul so brave,
Overcoming darkness, he refused to be enslaved,
Fake friends tried to sway him, to a path so dark,
But with God by his side, he left his mark.

Loren Holmes, a symbol of hope and grace,
A testament to God's love, shining in every space,
He broke the chains, rose above the strife,
Loren Holmes, a beacon of light, for all of life.
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