

Harriet Tubman
April 17, 2020
Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman was a leader
A slave
She was tired of being a slave
Getting hit
She escaped and found liberty
He said,
Just follow the north star you be safe
I promise
She was sad to leave her friends and family tho
But she ran for her life
She was tired of being a slave
Getting hit

She came back
She helped her people to escape for their liberation
Using the underground railroad
She made a change
No more slaves
Harriet Tubman show integrity
She did not give up
She wasn't nobody puppet master no more

She was unstoppable for freedom
She had God on her side
To show her the way
She wasn't scared of nothing
She knew what she was doing
She was brave enough to free slaves
She had all things through Christ that strength her
She said

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer"
So never stop dreaming
Listen to your heart and pray
Because if she could do it you can too
Harriet Tubman was a leader