

The leaves start to decay,
Turning into a brownish colour as it is May.
The trees turning bare,
As Autumn is here.

Winter comes in all its cold glory,
To take away the rest in a hurry.
The trees remain bare,
As frost covers them with care.
Mornings become chilly,
As snow threatens to freeze us silly.

Spring comes in to save the day,
We say goodbye Winter- to its dismay.
Flowers start blooming,
Creating a rainbow on the ground.
The rains says hello,
As the Willows grow.

Summer is here,
Time to prepare its gear.
A swimsuit seems divine,
As the heat threatens to make us whine.

But how lovely the seasons change,
Always bringing us a new page.
A new story to tell,
Every year is well.

Oh well, let's see...
What the next season brings us as we sip some tea.

© MsLulu004