

Greed is a river where everyone gets drowned,
Whether the good or the evil, the rich or the poor.
Sometimes, somewhere, everyone around ,
Drenched in greed of wealth, health, power or position to grab more.

The more one gets the more one becomes voracious,
The less one has the more one requires.
But the greed never ends and takes the form of a state, avaricious.
And one gets into the web of greed of long desires.

Why doesn't one scrap ones greeds ?
Why doesn't one live peacefully with all God's offerings ?
Why does one indulges into misdeeds ?
Just in sake of wealth, power, glory or trivial things !

Awake ! Awake ! Awake!
Greedy men and women.
Your body is fake, this World is fake,
The real is your soul and the World of the hell and the heaven.

Nobody can escape the death,
Or the torment in the ugly hell.
One has to pay for ones sins like the king Macbeth,
In the savage, bloody and dead hell.

© Samridhi Sahay