

Musings on poetry

Poetry the answer or
maybe a question
to all of my flowing
thoughts .

"it is fascinating isn't it"?
that some lines or words
that are written by a
stranger could be etched
in to our heart and soul
forever , and that it could
sometimes change
the course of someones
life ?

It is said that a poem
is only it's writer's until
it is shown to the outer
world , then the
owner of the
work is it's reader.

it's funny that a poetry can be an
escape from reality
for some or it could
be just an entertainment
maybe it could
be even a time pass
to get rid of that boring
lecture echoing
in your head.

But I can say for sure ,
poetry is something
that can be called an endless
book , there is no
right way to
write a poem .

© iz~k

( this is a free verse poetry)