

Suicide Of Humanity
It's sad we're living in a world where people laugh at your pain and hurt,
Then they video tape it and replay it over and over to only make it worse,
Why do my pain amuse you so much?,
The world is so desensitized and out of touch,
Out of compassion, Out of love and loyalty,
People out here killing and robbing and then getting treated like royalty,
I guess this is our new world the same world our ancestors died for,
If they could see the world now they would want so much more,
For us this is not the justice that the fought about,
They would be somewhere screaming and shouting,
so we could hear them say,
This is not peaceful this is not the way,
We are brothers and sisters we should all get along,
Right or wrong,
Don't hurt each other,
Live one another,
Life is about living free from hate, fear and envy,
We are not each others enemy,
But people don't realize that and they choose not to see,
That we are living in our last days because this is the suicide of humanity,
© Porsche Nicole Cobbs