

we won. the world lost
How long did it take us to fall in love?
Three days? Two nights?
Or after the first set of text messages?
I know not
But, I love you.

These clicking fingers can testify.
But, aren’t we crazy?
Two strangers, many worlds apart,
Sharing a bond so strong I could cry.
Two ideas, nothing more than a picture
A few statuses, and unending lines of text messages,
Stretching beyond the constraints of time
Space, and logic to touch each other
With palms so tender each is healed.

I know I'm broken, and I'm crazy, and I'm undeserving
You believe you are too
More than me, you believe you are irreparable.
Maybe we both are irreparably broken, damaged.
We both are wounded souls,
Roaming the earth in search of salvation
The last pair of romantics in a crazy world
Two blind creatures walking in the dark
But, we found each other.
We won. The world lost.

We found each other amid all the craziness
We found each other despite the odds
We won. The world lost.
And I love you.
The space between us can thin away.
But, are we not crazy?

How long did it take us to fall in love?
A few text messages?
Two nights? Three days?
We sure are crazy.
I know that.
I know that I am.
You know that you are.
But I love you.
And you love me
We love each other in a way
No two souls have loved.
These bleeding hearts will carry on the love endlessly.
We won. The world lost.