

The gift of vote
When they come our way
Just the once in five years,
We own our votes, citizens.

Keep them close to heart,
As long as you can hold on,
Before giving them away.

If it's love you feel, wrap
Your vote with love, lots
And lots of it, dear citizens!

If it's peace you want, cast
It gently, by click or stamp,
That the discord falls quiet

On the morrow. Part slowly
With your vote, it will not be
Yours when you give it away.

If it looks cheap, think twice,
The land will not be the same
When what you gave's counted.

I know you not, dear citizens,
But let me say it clear for me:
What i myself intend to do.

I'll gift my vote to love & peace
For all, not to power, not hate,
Nor lies. My gift is ours to keep.

I vote for me and us. Whoever
You are, wherever, i vote for us.
My gift's for our love and peace.

© Sanjib Basu