

Quill of the Heart

In the realm of words, where thoughts enfold,
A writer's heart, once fair and bold,
Found itself swept by an enchanting breeze,
Awakening emotions, like a gentle tease.

With ink-stained hands and words that flee,
The poet's heart danced with jubilee,
As a gentle muse from afar emerged,
An ethereal soul, with love submerged.

With every stanza and every line,
The poet's heart felt the divine,
For within those letters, an unspoken tale,
Of admiration and love, oh so frail.

Verse by verse, the writer's essence poured,
An ode to the one they adored,
Each word a brushstroke, a touch so light,
Conveying affection, both day and night.

Eyes like stars, flowing hair like ink,
The writer found themselves on love's brink,
Each syllable whispered, a secret glance,
A world created, by love's sweet chance.

Oh, the struggle of the wordsmith's plight,
To capture love's essence, with all his might,
Yet in the rhapsody of each written word,
A story of a love, beautifully absurd.

For a writer's heart, when it falls and yearns,
Ink spills forth, as the fire brightly burns,
Within the pages, a love story unfolds,
As a poet's heart, forever beholds.

So let the poet's pen dance and sigh,
In the silent moments, when hearts fly,
For in each verse, love's eternal flame,
Shall forever immortalize their cherished name.