

Proudly Igbo
I am the rising Sun
Iam the great East Wind
constant as the Northern Star
pure like the Suckling

Iam a dogged fighter
I am resilient
for I thrived when suppressed
I can never be distracted

I am the father of Merchants
more enterprising than the Jews
Say some "You are Abraham's seed
but I lived before him

Iam the backbone of this Nation
without me it chokes to death
I'm a good ambassador
I'm a builder

Yes! am fertile
am resourceful
am responsible
am accommodating

And I refused to be landlocked
for I'm deeper than the Atlantic
I'm Agrarian
and Egalitarian

Iam law abiding
am not savage
treat me with respect
I know my rights

I have been punished
Humiliated and singled out
lynched for being successful
for forces so mean and powerful

but I will rise again!
so determined to develop
To the East I must go
for I'm proudly Igbo