

The Maid
She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed...

What would the point be
Defiance from such as she?
Mama, Papa, waiting,
She will suffer baiting.

The Ladies she serves,
Giggle girlishly with nerves,
Examining each other,
Who scored the best lover?

If only she new,
The power of beauty true.
The envy they all hold,
In hearts truly cold.

But she does not know,
That her mesmerising glow.
Has the Ladies lovers,
Wishing her in their covers.

The Ladies aware,
Of how their lovers all stare.
They drop a fork, a knife,
Laughing at her in strife.

She bends to pick up,
Ladies continue to sup.
In spite their behaviour,
She continues to labour.

What choice has she?
In this land that's not so free.
Mama, Papa waiting,
She MUST suffer baiting.