

Flower garden

In the luscious green meadows butterflies flutter about on different arrays of flowers blowing in the breeze giving us a sense of what true freedoms all about giving us peace hues of yellow sting bright as the sunshines warmth brings them to life sowing happiness for the wotlds ambitions, red simplifies love as it forms new relationships at the beginning of each new day as a reminder that falling in love is what joins two hearts beating as one, blue is a sadness that brings about sorrow in the face of adversity as tears gently fall leaving loneliness as the soul bleeds, orange magnifies determination that helps us strive forward on any given day joyfully celebrating gratitude throughout the coming day, perple shadows the ground of sympathy where we mourn the loss of our loved ones as they enter another state leaving us behind to handle life's daily tasks on our own realizing death isn't far away. pink significantly rings hope towards a new tomorrow magnifying dreams as we reach journeys compassionate foreboding s giving. notion to become the best us we can possibly be, white innocently rumbles with child like ways bringing out core beliefs where strategy forms into creative works of art leaving lasting memories as the days unfold giving us glimpses of values that we tend to destroy as we grow oldwr, for in the garden of flowers where personalities collide bring forth an unexplained peace allowing us to forgive and let go of whatever it is were holding onto.
© Brandi Willard