

Psycho Performer
I uphold your delusions, a performer, the most loved.
Your face is covered in wrap, singing to a crowd of paper people I made.
You stomp and swing around, singing your heart out
–I stand off to the side hoping you don't stage dive.

I uphold your hysteria, clapping and singing along to the performance of a mad man.

You refuse to listen, sloshing yourself around like a drunk hug.
You jump and kick, yelling the words straight from your head.
–I stand in the front waiting for you to high five me.

Psycho performer, you are the best.
There is so much talent to flaunt.
Slap that guitar again!

Psycho performer, you are much fun.
You play all the instruments, and even dance!
Standing on the amp, your hands waving to the beat.

–Hear me now, they think you are the best.
Just don't peel the skin off your face again.

© Junemousonae