

hate, but it was called love once
Venom is spat out my words and hit you like a train, the pain ive become a custom to has made me heartless and numb.
Are you the decil or am I?
The words you spew at me hit like millions of daggers,
cutting my soul to its core,
not going to heal if we continue this way i told you many times before,
i hate how you try to play these mindgames and lock me away in the house,
my hopeless cage,
tricked me to believing all you bullshit and lies,
your sick in you head oh twisted one,
i asked you to stop but relentlessly you continued.
let the games begin....
you have no ide of the monster you unleashed,
once they called me beautiful but this beast is now here,
ready to break you, how you have broken me.
I asked you, begged you to stop, but you wouldnt.
Im no longer incontrol of my soul, this evil has consumed me.....
run away before i hurt you or i hurt myself,
make it stop!
my last cry for help......

you didnt

now its your turn

feel the wrath of you doing, of what you been wanting all along a crazy bitch....
now you got one,

now its not so funny when your feeling the pain it hurts.... doesnt it,
what you dont like to feel the pain?
dont cry, now enjoy this each tear you made me cry, til my eyes and soul were empty
even my love is run dry
die, one of us have to
or the world will
from the madness of this hateful love
that we use to share.
fuck you liar,
bang, bang
now Im burning in fire
laughing as im choking from the smoke filled air,
it had to be one or none
to make it all stop..
hate me now,
i love you
i hate that i love you.....
it finally stopped.
(flat lined beeeeeeeeeeepppppppp)

© unlaced