

Night Sky.
Under the starry sky's soft gleam,
I sit alone, in tranquil dream,
The night unfolds its tapestry,
As memories of her come to me.

A gentle breeze caresses my face,
As constellations weave their grace,
I close my eyes and reminisce,
Her laughter's warmth, her tender kiss.

With each twinkle, a memory blooms,
Of love that danced, like moonlit plumes,
Her eyes, a universe of grace,
Her touch, a sweet and warm embrace.

In this open sky, I find solace,
As I trace her smile's gentle embrace,
Though she's afar, I feel her near,
Her love, a beacon, ever clear.

The stars above, like whispers soft,
Remind me of the love aloft,
And in this night, forever true,
I cherish her, my love anew.
© nov_of_heart