

What if....?

Watching you standing in a lane
This heart beats hard over the mountains above the plains
I always love your smile, this texture of yours
This smile is indeed all my worry's cure
Why can't I confess this love of mine?
What if I loose you, my love you'll undermine?

I'm your best friend, but for me you are more than this
This tender heart and this laugh I wanna kiss
Oh! I Love you, I love you, I love you
But how should I confess this, i'm out of clue
By confessing this, I don't wanna loose your company
Atleast we're together for now, the rest later we'll see

Far above from the sky, the cupid watches them
Both smilingly glancing into eachother's eye as if a gem
So stupid they both are my lord ... he cried
The arrow of his failed...their doubts won no matter how much he tried
What if they would have confessed
Acceptance as their bounties, love would've them blessed
Silently both confessed their love but what's the use?
Love remained unfulfilled, rather than confession it's the silence what lovers choose
© Ritu