

Soul Mate
Write a poem on how you became soulmates and how no obstacle will be able to keep you apart.

Soul mate or what mate
mate is a mate
wether it is in mate
or wether it is out mate

Meeting ur mate happens
Out of chance
The chance is a great factor
Wether she is In mate
Or our mate

That meeting of the mate
Is the mate of 2 souls
That is the meeting of
Shiva and Parvati

When I met my soul mate
I did not even realise
What a mate she will be
But I m astounded
What a mate she has been

Over the years
We have fought, cajoled
Had our differences but our
Souls are still ONE

She is my mate and only mate
Just an ode to my darling
Lalitha my ONLY MATE
@M Krishna Bangalore
© M Krishna Bangalore