


Fuck love....
And the gullible ones that seek it intuitively,
I salute the ones that see the world's most tantalizing emotion, for what it is, Deadly!!!,

LOVE is many things, and can be connected to so many meanings, it can be right, when it's wrong, and wrongfully made right, by the ways of the individuals traditions and upbringings,

It can be condescending, addictive, misleading and
very confusing,
But it can also be, exuberating, pulsating, and undeniably breathtaking,

It can be a weapon, that's misused, or abused, because its power is so captivating,

It can make a person murderous, that never showed any form of negativity,

It can make an overzealous religious fanatic, proclaim God told them to do violence for blessings,

Or it can be a heartbroken recipient, that gave every inch within themselves, psychologically and physically to another, to find out, it wasn't a mutual admiration, it was what they had that intrigued,

Or love can just make one blind to the negatives of the people that proclaim they love them unconditionally, that have hidden agendas and are willing to deliver wrongs to them, candidly or underhandedly,

Today the word Love is used so emotionlessly and commonly, like, "hey stranger, yes call me, I'd love to speak, or wassup bruh, I love your weed," but how about yep, alright I love you too, bye, through a uncomfortable hug and clenched teeth,"

I was 30 years old, the first time, I attached the word (LOVE) to myself , or any human being,
Before then….
I equated it to the extra work, my drug plug would kick in, and wasn't thinking about the black lives I was helping push closer to the cemeteries,

I have to say now, I've begun to use my words more wisely, and attach them to the proper entities, with less talk, rather a showing of my devotion and loyalty for clear cut clarity,

Being (Lost Occasionally Verses Eternity), is not what I want to appease or teach, It's commitment, diplomacy, and real peace, for that the reclaiming of the true definition of LOVE starts with Me….

©By,Stan Steel63rd³/8/²¹