

Heavenly Body
Your aura is resplendent.

You’re my fallen star.

The energy you emit,

makes me want to commit.

Our souls can dance in harmony.

My spirit would paint you as a force of nature.

You will be the best piece of art to touch my canvas.

The contrast in colors would represent me.

Let this be a reminder of how our opposites complement each other.

If you find your way back home in the sky before me,

I won’t use a compass.

To do so would question my loyalty.

I trust your light will guide me in the right direction.

I feel as if I’m an astronomer.

You being my favorite obsession is my profession.

There’s no line of words to write that would do you justice.

There isn’t an instrument lovely enough to compose music,

that would mimic the vibration of your voice.

There is no landscape that can grasp my attention the way you do.

I'm jealous of the ground beneath you,

it is with you wherever you go.

Promise not to let me go, as you leave your footprints all over the world.

Just as you left your imprint on me.