

Too many times, I have been defeated
Just to relive my pain and repeat it
When I thought it was conquered
My battles were harshly repeated
Time and time again, achievement always prevails and win
To be overcast, outshined, and dimmed
Torn from limb to limb by the deepest of sins
Once again, how has history been repeated
Have I not learned the lessons hidden from within
As I slowly broke them apart from their most decadent core penetrated
I realized that all hopes and joys had been saturated
Coated with the thickest of lies
Destiny surely can't hide nor deny all the things I despise
Swarmed by fear, anguish, lust, and hope
I'm still learning a lesson in which Im unable to cope
Grasping at the last breaths of air
Only to fear that history once again has already been repeated….

© LTM Hidden Gem