


There was a screaming inside my head,
Always asking "Why?"
Ignoring it,
I moved on every time,
Leaving my past behind.
Growing from what I mistaken,
Prioritising myself,
Then why it hurts to be like this now?
First they preferred to not be like this,
And accept what you got.
When I did it,
Then why they returned back.

I lost every memory cell from my mind,
Erasing every hurtful memories of us.
Yet the words which were engraved was not detaching,
There was still an ache,
An awkward silent between the two,
who always spoke their heart out with each other..!

Was it the end of their bond?
Or just a pause?
It's quite confusing,
Yet it hurts to stay away from that bond..

They named it baseless,
Well I considered it... Priceless,
I don't know what was wrong,
That it never felt right now!

Talking with them again,
Seems to pierce in my heart,
Changing my identity,
Hiding myself,
Yet I couldn't lie with the one..!

Exposing myself,
Stalking them continuously,
Hoping them to be fine..
But is it true what it is shown?

Thank you for making me lose emotions,
It actually helped me to be cold and cruel...
The softy was rude,
God Knows what was wrong!

© Shines