

"Bad Day"
“Bad Day”
By: De Ona Charamut

||: Why is everybody being a bitch today?
Guess it’s in the air
Can’t they see I’m having a bad day too?
I understand that nobody cares!
But cut me some slack
Can I have just a little break?
I’m about fed up to here
With all that I can take!
I know I ain’t special
But can’t you find it in your heart?
To watch the words that you say
Before you even start?
I hate being in a position
Where I feel my hands are tied
Now probably when I get home
Is get told that I lied
About where I been etc…etc..
Why did it take so long?
I know I’m gonna have to hold my tongue
And try to stay strong
OH GREAT!! 10 minutes til the train comes!
I’m goin outta my mind
I just wanna get home
And see what drugs I can find
Hopefully I can feel better
And people wonder why I use
It’s so I can put up with
Certain people like you!!!
Thank you community service
Thank you bus driver
THANX to everybody
For the thoughtful reminder
THAT :||

© De Ona Charamut