

I love you without any reason.
You asked, Why do I love you so much?
I couldn't forget the day
when with your blue mesmerizing eyes
I got a God's touch.

I love you... not due to a cause,
In my book of love, no words exist like
'If, But and Because'.
My little heart beats only your name without any pause.

Like an unfaltering stream, your memories always flow through my mind.
Don't want to know Why I love you, I'm not on a mission to find.

Just like some flowers blossom throughout
the season,
I want to love you without any reason.

Can you think of a light without any vision?
Then why are you eager to know any reason?

Have you ever asked the breath why it loves
the air?
I also can't explain. In my heart, your love is just there.

My love is not transient, not situational.
It's one way but it's unconditional. 

You can't take my right to love you.
Hate me or love me, it's up to you,
but it's true.

It's okay if you don't feel the same.
I can argue God, but on you
I will never put the blame.

I am not yet in your heart; it's my bad,
but I have given you all that I had. 

For your love, I sometimes feel unlucky,
but I'm not sad.
Even your one glimpse is enough to make me glad.

Doesn't matter if you don't want to come close,
I'm not expecting a proposal ring or not even a withered rose.

I hope my love will melt your locked heart one day.
I cherish even your silence and I have nothing to say.

I am a simple ugly sparrow, not as bright as a lovely dove.
But I promise, all my emotions will always be dipped in your love.

What do people think and say? I don't care.
Not asking anything, Not even a word from you to share.
I realize now that, In love everything is fair.

Wise men say, "Love is blind." 
You love me or hate me, I also don't mind.

I can live with all your hatred, betrayal and treason.
My heart only knows that
"I love you without any reason."
© AK

#unconditionallove #LoveWithoutReason