

to do or not to do that is the question
In the depths of my heart, a fury awakes,
A tempest of anger, a fire that shakes.
For a man has hurt my best friend,
And now, my dear friend, this is where it ends.

I've watched her tears fall, like rain from the skies,
Her spirit shattered, her trust undermined.
But fear not, my friend, for justice will be served,
In this battle of souls, I will not be swerved.

With clenched fists and a heart full of rage,
I'll confront the villain, unleash my outrage.
No laws can bind me, no reason can sway,
For the protection of my friend, I'll make him pay.

In the shadows I'll wait, a phantom unseen,
Plotting his downfall, my mission supreme.
A man so callous, devoid of remorse,
Will soon taste the wrath of my vengeful force.

But as I stand here, consumed by my wrath,
I pause for a moment, I question my path.
Does violence beget peace? Is revenge the cure?
Or does it perpetuate a cycle impure?

My friend, I love you, and this I vow,
To protect your spirit, to soothe your brow.
But I will not stoop to his level of hate,
For in the end, it's love that conquers fate.

So let us rise above this dark abyss,
Embrace forgiveness, find solace in bliss.
Together we'll heal, stronger than before,
For love and compassion will forever endure.

No longer consumed by thoughts of his demise,
I'll channel my anger, let forgiveness arise.
For my best friend, I'll be a shield,
And in the end, it's love that truly wields.