

Alone in the crowd
#Alone in the Crowd

Oh, I know that feeling, being alone in a crowded room,
Surrounded by people, yet feeling like a lonely bloom.
Amidst the laughter and chatter, a silence fills my heart,
Longing for a connection, a friend to be a part.

Invisible in the crowd, I search for a friendly face,
Yearning for understanding, a warm and welcoming embrace.
But sometimes, in the solitude, I find solace in my own thoughts,
A chance to reflect and grow, embracing the lessons life has taught.

So, in this crowded room, I'll find comfort in being me,
Embracing my uniqueness, setting my spirit free.
For even in the midst of chaos, I'll find my own tune,
And learn to cherish the beauty of being alone in a crowded room.
© Big Girl Big Dreams