

A Star in a Well
I wish I could reach out to you
The star hiding in the deepest well
You keep your head low from your fall
Afraid to rise again
If only you would raise your head
Up on the well's round opening
You'll see a thousand hands outstretched
To pull you out from there

Please hear the voices calling you
To brave it through the dark
I know you have so many fears
But all alone, you're not
Come see the people calling you
Wanting to see your light
I hope words would bring comfort to you
An embrace to keep you warm

Dear star inside the darkest well
Whose light must not be contained
Inside this well where light is lost
Your brightness is not frail
Please rest a while, my dear bright star
Until you rise again
Remember that the sky's your place
You're bound to shine again.

© nabinara