

I've journeyd through life with alot of grief & sorrow
I've faced moments when I didn't want to see another tomorrow
Before getting over one heartache, another stepped in
It was an endless circle of torture an endless suffering
Those whom should have been a comfort to me
Added to my sorrow, deliberately hurting me
Through those dark times my pain flowed through the ink of my pen
Words to paper, was more trusting than any 'friend'
Today I share my experiences hoping that someone out there will not feel alone
For I've also blamed myself, for things beyond my control
Some said it was my fault & I started to believe it too
But can you blame a victim whose been beaten black & blue
Can you blame them for the scars their bodies bear
Hating to stand in front of a mirror for a reminder is always there
"Get over it", that's what they constantly said
Yet supporting someone whom had minor problems instead
I guess been attacked 3 times, left to die, 7 miscarriages, fighting for my life, were things I could easily let go, right?
Just shrug it off my shoulders & carry on with life!
So I learned to be strong, so strong that I'd never need or want anyone
Until God brought love into my life & my days became a happier one
I know there are people out there going through sorrow & pain, much worse than I've suffered
I can't say I understand their pain for I've only walked in my shoes, not another's
All I can offer is my love & my presence in their lives
Never needing to know their problems, to stand at their side
My dear friend, whatever you're going through, whatever is robbing you of the happiness you deserve to have
I pray there's someone beside you, to comfort you & hold your hand
If you know of someone aching & breaking whoever it may be, please don't walk away
Cos at this very moment, someone is tightening the noose around their neck, someone is writing a goodbye note & all the things they never got a chance to say
Don't wait for tomorrow for every minute you have is an opportunity you can't afford to throw away
Cos Right now... At this very moment, Someones cry has ended, someone has lived... their final day 😭

©2020 Vireka Kemraj