

I do not know what to say!
The pain.
Self mutilation .
Is it enough?
Iam hurting.
Am I really okay ?
No perhaps it's safe when no one knows.
The torture and impulsive choices .
Maybe its much better left unuttered.

Why ?
Inflicting pain each moment.
Only suicidal thoughts reflect.
If only she, he will not discuss or judge,
It will be secure to say.

She ,he said this is what makes it harder to share the pain .
The tittle-tattle I'd rather keep silent.
Lies and deceit every moment.
Harsh words and being discriminative.
Patience is not my passivity.
I choice to rehabilitate my thoughts.
The choice of having a positive impact and attitude is all am yearning to have.

Grant me inner peace and let my soul be freed from the premises of anger.
For the harming is more ignitated by the thought of subduing to depression.
It's said that "silence is the most powerful weapon of expression. "
Yes,but it this callous remarks will always distress .
I refuse to talk but trauma is..
Maybe its much better left unuttered.

© Nzilani Itumo