

Funny times,
Laughing moments;
It is not everyday
One gets bitten by hornets.

Many sweat,
My blood and my tears,
All piling up
For building better years.

Use your black hairs
To handle your stress
So that when the grey comes,
You would comfortably and totally rest.

And give your love life a deeper meaning than just love
So that there would be residue after the love is gone;
So that there would be something to which you can hold on.
Otherwise, do not fall in love, it is a loss.

A thousand times
I write the words;
A thousand times more
Would my writing evolve.

Thank you my readers for your endless support,
And I appreciate you giving importance to my blog.
May the sun shine through your days of fog,
And may God guide you when your heart does not.

©sage 2024