

Being afraid, of commitment, he went, to seek help, as he has, been hurt, so much before, but it was different, this time, so as she holds, a gold chain, in her hand and at the end, of it swings, a small pocket watch, an as he, looks, at the timepiece swaying, back and forth and back and forth, moving, to the left and then, moving to right and then back to left, once again, in a graceful motion, his eyes, start to get tired and he, slowly, begins to close them, as they are, too heavy, as he, then takes, a deep breath, as he counts, slowly backwards, from ten to one, an as he exhales, he let his mind, go blank and let, everything else, in his world, to disappear, only then, to open his eyes, once again, being relaxed, as he, opens up, his heart, travelling back, to a simpler time, in life and love, when all he wanted, was to please, the one, in her, to set aside, himself, for the love, of another, in her, in doing, whatever is necessary, to bring passion, love, needs, wants and deepest pleasure, not only to her, but the love, he has within, himself, for her.

So now, she let, the real him, come out and to let, the very one, that he loves, be in control, of his thoughts, of his body and of his mind and soul, as it is, his time, to let her know, what joy, she brings, to his life and that, for her, he will be, more, of a man, she wanted, him to be, loosing all inhabitions, to give up, himself, all to her love and commitment.

© PinkPajamaKisses&TeddyBearHugs