

Stubbornness for Death
The fire of anger has spread everywhere,

There is the noise of the sound of flames,

Innocent life is scared to death,

It is stubbornness that wants to remove blood stains with blood,

It is that stubbornness that is making the deal of life with death,

Telling by The breath buried in the building under the ashes,

That life has no value compared to stubbornness,

Some are searching for their loved ones, some are mourning,

Mother's screams somewhere, innocent crying faces somewhere,

For some, war becomes self-defense and for others, it becomes a spectacle.

But it becomes hell for the one who is trapped in the middle of the war.

I wish it were so easy for someone to forget all this or stop the war,

It is better to apply ointment on wounds than to heal them.

#Stubbronness #ashes #warcrime #death #blood #revenge

© confusioncreate