

Fragile Strength

Someone has asked you a question,
That feels far too personal,
It's only a first impression,
You might be completely wrong and irrational,
But you don’t care.

You stand up,
Very fast and with all your might,
You hate when people talk behind your back,
Because you know you have a very insecure heart,
So you look around to see who is watching.

You see a girl,
She’s the first to show a smirk,
She knows,
She heard her call you a whore,
You want to cry,
But you smile and tighten your hands.

The next you see is a boy,
Probably the girl’s own toy,
He looks like a filthy thing,
Sitting next to the supreme queen,
You soften a little.

You feel that it’s not worth it,
The question indeed is personal,
But you made the wrong choice of people to tell it to,
However you are very stubborn,
And don’t care at the moment who is who.

You turn back to the fool,
She’s looking at you,
She wants to see what you’re going to do,
She leans back,
A little balance so she can see you snap,
Or break,
She doesn’t really care which one you take.

You smile harder,
Your insecure heart breaks faster,
All along your chest hammers,
Pain attacks you in all the corners,
You want to be sure this is for real,
Cause you know she knows how you feel,
You exposed yourself to the thief,
And now she feels a delight thrill.

You hate your stupidity,
You hate your system,
You want to throw up,
You want to fall down.

But you straighten your back,
Dark psychology time,
You look her in the eyes,
And tell her “It ain’t over”,
Because when you come back,
She will cower.

© Ifeamareme Uchechi Favour

#poem #poet #poetry #strength #power #intimidation #inspiration #selfhelp