

Sabbath's of lost kingdom, ("Sabbatarian? Has come!').
("we observe the Sabbath as God has commanded"), · "Sabbath candles" · "Sabbath law" . " Sabbath Bible" .

!....."Old & bitter!"......."Old & bitter!"..."Old & bitter!"...

"Who oversees the Sabbat! Seven Suns, as Seven moons; seven nights, as seven days, false prophets command Sabot candle's as Sabot law".

"My Islams mother's"Snowblind friend, Sabot the true Shabbat! Sha Sha Sabbath's Dead Wax GO-GO!

"Mother's he-She's Sha' go-go erratic fatherd Faith! smuderd Abrahamic tutelage, ("Talmud force-fed beliefs'). Hay! the whores at the door! Please Hay! it's me the sacrifice that pleads! whores in my room!

"Ama hide me from the wolf, I'ma little black sheep's innocence! that will be took? 'bahi-bahi,'bah-bah! And the Sheeps go?....who who? not Moo voodoo Moon Jehovah's red full moon!

"Dually Sol's deja serendipitie righteous moments for socialistic sexual Jesus' fornicating healing,"Neediness!

"Hedrews Holy day's, remember that Holy day! Satan Spasmos tango, drawing, pulling to that Holy day.

"A Dead Go-Go dancer Coke dreams meaningful awakening'). Kane's mutated Adams marrie Union, observes 'above the king of the hill's!

"Killer hills, Spoused to equal mothering Eve!
As I Court from the lims forbidden fruit trees!
brother sculpted disfigur "Meat nest' Meet".

Over-baring lumber-body cloaking shades, her nudity,.. by covering a nudes! Scared" Scares" shiver off pains! evil memories!!! Cried, cries, Sister's cry! My Sister's spiritual rodent chiseled beauty.

Suppleness! she's soft silk revolving she'll, wild beauties heavenly connection to a holy dynamo in the Star light open flesh sacred godly hourglass!

Moment in Time as her soft supple aura cloaks me. stadium frozen still. Our feeling supreme soon will be three? Sabbatarian Judaism's Protestant form of Christianity is Sabot Her fallen,"Blow Pulpin saboteur?

Taking- ticking seconds stands sabotage enter a void's Metronom Masterpiece! mastros symptoms of a lost universe perfect symphonies,"kingdoms of the Lost artist".

(Sabots lost kingdom's', Bible Law, Shabbat lit candles").

Sabot's mental Host's!! Illness's tucked away Deep so deep. False idols Sabot's Sabot's! My dead mother Snow feen "Sha' Sha Krishna's exciled lovers!

Fighting figures of abuse pass Shadow shady bable real monster seven Day burning candle. Paints images that are lost in aging decades.

"kingdoms lost but not gone. Contingent debating history. World swallowed towers -whole!, goolish-smog acid linger sprinkling misting been raining and then forming into plateaus. let dive! driving to that Holy center.

Plesent galvanizing submerge burn! abandoned cavities barid alive by Earth! "Sha "Sha'' "Woom Sha Sha! be praised.

She's she'll sha"shu."Blood romance, dance in a room, w/ sound, no eco of life, (LOVE) or dogs "Sha' Sha', "Mom' "Ra's "!!! "Bitter, bittersweet bitterness’s,' too be lost, in the wordsmiths of a fools tongue.

Deaths won't be knocking at the window! death will come like a thief in the night! death's profit won't be a knock knocked knocking at the door! feer thast part of the chilling night.

Whores" Poet's pussy words!! Crazed Kat's pussy word's,
(In the thief's hands....). In a thief's embrace..., my mother's love obsession! in the hands of a thief!

"Riddled w/ love, sabots image of Increments "shot -shit", Sweltering rumpusfucking bodied couples forms rejected "hum ba"; Shadows,"hum Ba" Sweltering, "hum ba",("blood-knots'). The romances of brother foling
conjunction! Come after love!, mother's in Love, he is sickness! mother's,sickness not proud you're the ground, humbled my mother's sickness!

For my mother,bitterly playfully, but not happily lusting for! but not wanting! Merrily heating then wanting sad healing! points from Kings till death's, trying kingdoms.

Lost bit by bit slow crumble of souls; she's Sha'Sha tents old and bitter'! so old and pictur a Magnus Opus old and bitterly! my brilliant Sha Sha she's she'll go-go dancer.

"Thous' aggressive arguments……! Sabots Wino bum terrorism Colt figure. Aw' Shha' "Mma' "Lau' "Pa' romantic comedies true De'Vine romance….! hosting angels cursed mothers for Lovers. lite Sabbath's black candlestick.

© Antonio.Mora.Lopez