

Take a deep breath.
I've seen the hardwork you do everyday,
Along with the tension you carry on all day.
You always get what you want,
But in the process, you feel the dismay.
It costs you your mental health,
They say,
So is anything worth more than that?
Answer me whatever you may.
You know,
You don't have to be always on top,
And that's ok.
You can get anything that you want,
Without depriving yourself away.
Oh, you can achieve your goal with enough work needed,
Don't overwork and make yourself like a dough that's over kneaded.
You'll tear yourself apart,
Tell me, is it worth it after all you've done and come this afar?
No, no it's not.
Take a deep breath,
And trust yourself,
You can do this if you believe in yourself.

© K