

Nobody special
Ima loser
Ima freak
I became a man
But still a geek
Ive done groveled
Ive done beg
Why am i murdered for not acting
As you behave
I know that im weird
Ive had rocks thrown at me and called queer
Ive always wondered why it is im suppose to be here
I am cursed
And now perched at my worst
Ive got no brother
No lover
No other to play
I have noone to tell the voices to go
So they play
Ny thought spur like demons
I tey to catch before they fade away
There getti g louder
So loud i cover my ears
And scream!
Everybody say its ok even though the blood from my nose has dripped into a stream
Ive lost everything
I have nothing.
Ive always been noone to anyone's someone
They took from me my purpose
Ive cried so much my eyes have become dry
Theyll never know why i chose this way to die
I hate you!
I hate all of you!!

© Christopher j. Jarman