

Taciturn love
The agonizing pleasure
of getting lost
in your taciturn eyes

Letting the mellifluous echo
of your voice caress
the deepest caverns of my soul

The enjoyment of
your neophyte approach
to little pleasures in life

Serenity takes over
and brings calmness
to my usually unforgiving seas

Your rectitude inspires
with its luminescent aura
eliciting rhapsodic responses

My heart—absolutely taken—
ebullient with joy
when I hear you say my name

There are no façades
nor agendas;
only spirited lucubrations…

I think that your heart
speaks to mine
in a unintelligible language
that only they know.

🎧 Everything by Lifehouse

©️ Distilled Melancholy

Art: Heart to Heart by Rose D.

#spilledink #spilledthoughts #darkpoetry #love #longing #poetry #spilledemotions