

Just a South London boy
With a darling daughter
The apple of my eye
Julys Child self-regulated
The calm volcano
A Leo
Through and through
She is all women
Hear her roar
23 on the 24th
Her birth day
Just like yesterday
Time travelling
Each time I think about
The first of her kind
A genuine unicorn
Pure blood and a fighter
Defender of the light
She kept it all alive for me
Thick and thin
Near or far
She has never waned
Nor wavered
Loyalty her second nature
Wisdom intrinsic
Wiser than her years
Yet daft as a brush
Driving me mad
Whenever she can
But always brimming with love
And character
Beyond normal bounds
Her talent a bubbling cauldron
Stirred with a paintbrush
And Acrylic on canvas
Sugar and spice
And everything nice
A fairy tail
For urban warfare
Set to explode on the world
First name Chantal
Second name Scarlet
Last name embedded in her DNA
No changing that
The divine feminine
Mother Earth
Works through her
My Sweetheart

© the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
Art courtesy of: @pinterest
© All Rights Reserved