

There are many things I have tolerance for,
But one thing I cannot support in any form,
It is the division based on religion and caste,
As if we people are just some pawns.

Step into the minorities' shoes for once,
See how fear has captured their right to practice,
The religion and traditions that they were born with,
By violating their right to live with dignity...

We need to ask ourselves some questions,
Hindus or Muslims, Blacks or Whites,
Aren't we all brought to this world with our own equal rights?
Who is anyone to judge others faith and customs?
Why the moral policing for others belief structure?
Discrimination based on caste, color, culture and creed,
Who has given others this power of superiority?

As citizens it is our responsibility too,
To not let this divisive politics win through,
And should anyone have a problem with others faith,
Just think if we'll tolerate if ours was at stake?!

© Polkola
#rights #religion #faith #Life&Life #equality #discrimination