


The biggest liar in the world is fear.
it will lead our feet astray
Eviscerating what we held most dear
Till groping in the dark we lose our way.

Then where we once knew love abides but hate,
Civility gives way to the uncouth,
For fear will drive us to a hopeless state
So many, many miles from the truth.

Fear controls you day in and day out.
Fear makes you need to be led Like sheep
Fear makes you believe in things that's not really there,
Fear plays with your mind.

I don't need to be led like a sheep
By the Sheppard in wolf's clothing
I don't need to be led anywhere
Unlike most of you.

Fear is a liar.
Fear is an obstacle.
Fear is a challenge.
Fear comes from within.

We’re not scared of the dark,
Because monsters lurk in the closet,
Or under the bed.
We’re scared of the things that lie inside of our head.

We fear change.
Failure. Rejection.
But I am not “we.”
So what do I fear?

I don't fear a virus that doesn't exist,
And I don't fear a God I can't see hear or touch,
And I don't fear our governments

I fear the unknown. Darkness. Risks.
I fear humans because their minds are dangerous to each other
Including themselves.

I know no limits to my fears
—they grow as I do.
The darkness inside never leaves;
I just suppress it until it has to draw another breath.

Passivity is the norm today.
We all want to be complaisant;
The less waves we cause, the better.

But the problem with that is,
Conforming to the system makes you another clog in the machine.

And that, I shall not stand for.
Like a thinker, I thought.
And like a philosopher, I pondered.
Until I had the courage to
Spread my wings and fly.

I closed my eyes and swung hard.
I took a deep breath and let the shot fly.
I thought to myself:
What’s more left to lose?

I’m not scared of the dark, no
I’m not afraid of the fall.
I’ll deal with the consequences, yes
Even if I have to run through a wall.

With perfect 10s across the board,
My life flipped around.
A new girlfriend, and all A’s,
Optimism had been found.

Mistakes are going to take place,
I learned that the hard way.
But once my fears left without a trace,
I began to love every day.

Fear is a liar
It will take your breath
It Stop you in your steps
It will rob your rest

Fear is a liar
It Steal your happiness
It will imprison you
It will continue to control you

So cast your fears forever In the fire
Let your fire fall and cast out all your fears