

RAPISM... , sexual harrasment
You must be familiar with these words , Right ?
But no one wants to take ACTION against it ,
Sexual assault on women is a common phenomenon in our country ,
Like molestation, eve teasing, child sex abuse ,marital rape nd so more ,
Have you ever thought that After a rape incident a women lives a pathetic life ,
which includes fear , depression, guilt complex,suicidal action and social stigma ,
Every 10 hours, girl of age 1-10 is being raped in our country ,
and in today's time there are 87 rape incident in A DAY ..,
It appears that rapist are not SCARED OF LAWS ,
And the society is only busy in blaming the girls that ,
You are wearing short clothes ,
You stay out late at night,
You have so many boy - friends,
It's all your fault ...,
How would that 8 year old girl knows about clothes ,
Those bastards didn't even spare her ,
Why society's thinking is like this ,
Today , cuz of this society the scroundles are not punished,
if u can't take any action against this, so don't blame anyone ...

I know that, this poem of mine will change someone's thinking...


©Abhishi ❤