

Change Me
The love of God.
The only reason I am here.
For life hasn't granted me peace.
and Death is on my heels and it's breath cold on my bare spine.
There is no escaping it, but you can buy yourself time.
That is hope but it offers no peace.

Contort me to your will and shape me into what you prefer.
But my shadow you cannot touch.
For a shadow isn't moldable, you can only watch where it goes.
So watch where I go.
Into places you cannot see behind.
Hidden within spaces of the unknown and the untouchable.
Catch half of me, watch the other half grit her teeth and stand.
While you wrestle my limbs still, watch her refuse to crumble.
She is who I am.
Dark and untamed.
You will not place onto her a name.
For she has not a soul.
But a solid foundation she somehow still chooses to stand upon.
Even though you tie me down.
She can get back up.

Their world; your world.
How bleak. How unsettling.
Can you not feel it?
The ice beneath your nails as you carve what you deem an honorable path?
Is it all worth it? For my torment is not my fault, what could that mean for your own torment?
When you choose to sleep within the bed you've made.
Sheets of blood, does it ever wash off your skin?
Pillow of...