

Forgiveness from dreams
Hey dreams! Just forgive me!
For not fulfilling as decided
For not accomplishing my goals

Hey dreams! Just forgive me!
I fought for you as much I can
But I couldn't caught you

Hey dreams! Just forgive me!
I have given priority to my responsibilities
I put my people on priority than you

Hey dreams! Just forgive me!
I fought for people who left me on my fate
I cared too much for people who didn't looked on my dreams

Hey dreams! Just forgive me!
I cried a lot for you with smiling face
I given importance to my elders and left you behind

Hey dreams! Just forgive me!
For not forgiving myself on letting you go
For neglecting myself for others

Hey dreams! Just forgive me!
Still Having a burning desire I couldn't do anything
Still just watching you going in front of me.

Hey dreams! Just forgive me!
For being a stupid woman
For being everything and nothing at all..! !

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