

The art of letting go ..
LETTING GO , it hardly takes an ounce of our time to say this;
But not that little time to forget the warmth of love she feels each time they kiss ..
To know he loves her ,
But his love puts her in a blue that's much bluer ..

His love finds it's way to physically hurt her ,
To make her vulnerable, to torment her ,to torture her .
She tolerated it once ,
She tolerated it twice n then thrice .

Each time was worse than before ,
But guess what's more ?
He didn't do it intentionally,
He really didn't cause harm knowingly.

She wants to forgive him or more appropriately put ,allow him to give her more scars ,
Scars that are much more than mere physical 'scars' .
He begs her n cries out loud ,
Instant regret n apologies that flow down him like raindrops falling from a cloud .

She pities him one moment, hates him the other ,
She loves him one moment , horrified by his presence the other .
She's terribly terrified by the confrontation,
But ' You can't get back with him ' is what she says to herself in repetition.

She finally let her brain do the work ,
And finally decided to let go of that jerk .
As she lets go of what left her haunted and destroyed ,
She understands that the ART OF LETTING GO is everything the bold and brave her thrived ..

~Prachi Sharma

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