

The Sound of Om
Let's climb the stairway to the moon,
Then sit and view the beauty of earths' blue lagoon,
The moon will guide us as we go wander along,
With love beside us to fill the night with a song,
We share our pain and cry all nigh long,
How the world broke our heart,
How it taught the innocents,
To stay innocent and let the wicked ones,
Exploit you and derive pleasure,
How the most wicked were the preachers only,
Preaching about God,
But doing what demon does,
After that sorrow phase is over,
We will just share love stares,
Hand in hand,
The stars above us,
The sound of Om,
And we just fall in there,
Like a black hole consuming our souls,
But for the finest pleasure,
We ever had and no words ro hear,
No taunts to bear,
Just you and me so close and near!
© ruineddevil