

Forever my Kryptonite
How does one forget another?
With one foot infront of the other.
No turning back just keep going.
The words may even start flowing.
Instead of the tears, the heart ache and wonder.
No more bad thoughts to launder.

Just go forward.
Don't look back.
If you do you may just crack.

4 months of silence
still not enough,
to silence the yearning im afraid,
I'll have to give up.
Enough of the wanting and leading with my heart.
Finally let hope out of Pandoras box.
Maybe one day
Maybe another life
Maybe then I'll be your wife.

Until then you'll always be
my #kryponite.
The one I felt worth the fight.
The one that gave me the might,
to say what needed to be said.

I'll miss you my friend.
you know where to find me, if ever you need deep Blue.

© BeautifulBlueGem