

The power in words
Her words are like water to my parched soul,
I crave them like a drug addict in need of a fix.
When she speaks, I hang on her every word,
Eyes shut, ears wide opened like I'm about to hear God speak.

She once told me that she would never leave me,
That she would always be there for me, no matter what.
And those words gave me hope,
When I was at my lowest point,
When I felt like I was drowning in despair.

Her words were like a lifeline,
They pulled me back from the brink,
They gave me the strength to keep going,
When I wanted to give up.

But my foolishness and impulsiveness drove her away.
Now I am alone, without the person who gave me emotional support.
I did this to myself because I did not love myself enough.

I hope that one day, I can be as strong for someone else,
As she was for me.
I want to be the person who gives hope,
To the people who are drowning in despair.

I want to be the person who saves lives,
With the power of my words.

© Gideon