

I wish I Had Not
I wish I had not
I wish I had not left
I wish I had not left the heaven of love to the hell of loneliness
I should have fought for myself
My guilt is swallowing me up
I am confused
I am lost

I wish I had not
I miss your arms of protection and care,
Your words of comfort,
Your lips of peace and your heart full of love.
Your cuddle which makes my heart melt
The memories and dreams we shared are shattered because I couldn't defeat them for our love

I wish I had not
I regret leaving you in the jungle
I am with the key to reopen your heart
Now that I have noticed we are destined to be together,
Now I know we are soul mates,
Forgive me
Let's start afresh
Let mend the tender heart
For I will never leave my prince again
© Whyte ©Ohemma Vosty